Saturday, November 17, 2007

Are We Victim of Regional Politics: Israel, Arabs and Iran

Respectfully, I am just asking some basic questions:

Have we become a victim of Israel insecurity among Arabs going back over two thousands year? Have we replaced the Persian protection of Israel with our American might? Have we been an Israeli proxy by invading Iraq? Why Israeli Lobby urging the United States to invade Iran?

Israel has about 200 nuclear bombs. Israel is not supporting IAEA; not a member. Iran does not have a single nuclear bomb! Iran is developing a nuclear fuel cycle to make fuel cells for electrical energy production using reactor…just like Japan, Germany and many others.

  1. Iran has not attacked any country for the last 250 years… about the age of our country the good old USA. Is this true about Israel? Israel security is linked to stability in the region; Iran is part of this region.
  2. Why are we so concern about Iranian potential to develop nuclear bomb some 10 or 15 years from now? How about Israel and her nuclear bombs?

We spend our precious tax money to bribe the regional nations by giving them “foreign aids”, please spare me! We arm these nations, all of them. Some of the same arms have been used to kill our people. Except for Iran, not a single American has been killed by Iranian people.

Who attacked our on September 11, 2001? they were not Iranians!

Who attacked and killed our people on USS Liberty? They were not Iranian!

Should we spend our money and expertise in our hemisphere rather than 7500 miles from home? Our national interests must be our first imperative. If you would travel in out of places, for example, in Southern Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, etc. you see population in dire needs, poverty similar to poverty in third world nations. If you would travel to most regions in Mexico, our neighbor to the south, you see abject poverty.

Should we spend our national resources in these areas, rather than as bribe money to some ungrateful nations? Charity starts at home, our own USA, then to the nearest neighbor Mexico.


  1. Iran attacked no one in 250 years?

    'Fath Ali Shah (r.1797 - 1834):
    Under Fath Ali Shah, Iran went to war against Russia, which was expanding from the north into the Caucasus Mountains, an area of historic Iranian interest and influence. Iran suffered major military defeats during the war. Under the terms of the Treaty of Golestan in 1813, Iran recognized Russia's annexation of Georgia and ceded to Russia most of the north Caucasus region. A second war with Russia in the 1820s ended even more disastrously for Iran, which in 1828 was forced to sign the Treaty of Turkmanchai acknowledging Russian sovereignty over the entire area north of the Aras River (territory comprising present-day Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan). '

    'Second Russo-Iranian War (1826-1828):

    The treaty of Golestan had left a number of vague points in terms of territorial division of the Caucasus; both sides were dissatisfied with the status que and negotiations did not solve the problem; some ulama cited (with mixed truth and exaggeration) the mistreatment of Moslems under Russian control, and demanded revenge; leading ulama and top government officials pressured the shah for holy war (jihad) against the Russians; Iran opened the new round of hostility in 1826 and was decisively defeated.'

    '1856-57 The Afghan War: the shah attempted to reassert Iran's claim on western Afghanistan by capturing Herat; this attempt and military campaign ran contrary to British policy which disapproved of it and attacked and occupied iran's southern port of Bushehr; as a result the shah backed off and in the Paris Peace conference (1857) renounced claim on Herat.'

    Seriously, you are an ignorant fool when it comes to Iran.

  2. Iran and Russia Wars:
    Thank you for your last comment. We all can learn one lesson or two. The following is from Russia-Iran relations (Wikipedia encyclopedia):
    Irano-Russian relations particularly picked up as a weakened Safavid empire gave way to the Qajarid dynasty in the mid-18th century. The Qajarid government was quickly absorbed with managing domestic turmoil, while rival colonial powers rapidly sought a stable foothold in the region. While the Portuguese, British, and Dutch competed for the south and southeast of Persia in the Persian Gulf, the Russian Empire largely was left unchallenged in the north as it plunged southward to establish dominance in Persia's northern territories.
    Plagued with internal politics, the Qajarid government found itself incapable of rising to the challenge of facing, or even recognizing, its northern threat from Russia.
    A weakened and bankrupted royal court, under Fath Ali Shah, was forced to sign the notorious Treaty of Gulistan in 1813, followed by the Treaty of Turkmenchay after efforts by Abbas Mirza failed to secure Persia's northern front.
    With the Russian Empire continuously advancing south in the course of two wars against Persia, and the treaties of Turkmanchai and Golestan in the western frontiers, plus the unexpected death of Abbas Mirza in 1823, and the murder of Persia's Grand Vizier (Mirza AbolQasem Qa'im Maqām), Persia lost its traditional foothold in Central Asia to the Russian Tsarist armies. [1] The Russian armies occupied the Aral coast in 1849, Tashkent in 1864, Bukhara in 1867, Samarkand in 1868, and Khiva and Amudarya in 1873. The Treaty of Akhal, in which the Qajarid's were forced to cede Khwarazm, topped off Persian losses to the global emerging power of Imperial Russia.
    End of copy ______________________________________________________________
    Response: Who initiated the wars? Was Iran defending itself? … the Russian Empire continuously advancing south in the course of two wars against Persia. …Persian losses to the global emerging power of Imperial Russia.

    Are you suggesting that we should have not defended USA after Japan bombed Hawaii?

    Qajarid dynasty was a shameful stain on the Iranian culture. The weakness of the Qajard kings was invitation to the colonial powers, among others, Russia, England, to inflict humiliation on Iran.

    Reza Shah the great (Pahlavi), attempted to correct some of the damages inflicted by the Qajarid. Can Iran survive this recent neocolonialism attempts against her territory?

    Thank you for your comment.

  3. what neocolonialism?

    Really, you are fact-challenged. It states very clearly that Iran initiated these wars for territorial gain, wars of Agression. Their own historians make the claim!

    No matter. I await your next fantasy posting.
