Friday, November 23, 2007

America Come Back Home: Charity starts at home, not in the Middle East

Who attacked our country on September 11, 2001? Who attacked and killed our sailors on USS Liberty? They were not Iranians! Then, why are we hurting the Iranian people?

The person on this picture is a member of the United States Administration. She said: I hate all Iranians. Is this our administration policy?

Iran does not have a nuclear bomb. Even if Iran wanted to develop a nuclear bomb, it will be more than 10 years. The US administration admitted that Iran is not developing nuclear bomb. But, our government would not want Iranians to learn about making fuel for nuclear reactors in production of electricity. We are concern that some day, 10 to 15 years from now, Iran may advance their knowledge of physics and make nuclear bomb.

Iranian government has made fuel cells for an earlier design of safe Canadian type Candu nuclear reactor for medical production of isotopes. Our government reacted that we would not allow Iran to develop nuclear bomb! Confused? Candu is not a nuclear bomb. Please check it!

We teach physics and chemistry in our high schools in the United States and all over the world. The knowlege provides the basic tools for making arsonist bomb. May be one of these students will some day make a bomb! So let us stop teaching physics and chemistry in all of our schools. Do you think this concern is more than strange?

Israel has over 200 advance nuclear bombs based on our government report. Why did we help Israel to develop these bombs? Why the International community is not demanding that Israel eliminates her nuclear bombs? Why are we not pushing for international elemination of all nuclear bombs?

We spend our precious tax money to bribe as "foreign aids" most of the nations in the Near East. We also provide them advance arms. Please spare me with the justification for our actions! Some of the same arms have been used to kill our people.

Should we spend our money and expertise in our hemisphere rather than 7500 miles from home? Our national interests must be our first imperative. If you would travel in out of places, for example, in Southern Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, etc. you see population in dire needs, poverty similar to poverty in third world nations. If you would travel to most regions in Mexico, our neighbor to the south, you see abject poverty. Should we spend our national resources in our own region, rather than as bribe money to some ungrateful nations? Charity starts at home.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Are We Victim of Regional Politics: Israel, Arabs and Iran

Respectfully, I am just asking some basic questions:

Have we become a victim of Israel insecurity among Arabs going back over two thousands year? Have we replaced the Persian protection of Israel with our American might? Have we been an Israeli proxy by invading Iraq? Why Israeli Lobby urging the United States to invade Iran?

Israel has about 200 nuclear bombs. Israel is not supporting IAEA; not a member. Iran does not have a single nuclear bomb! Iran is developing a nuclear fuel cycle to make fuel cells for electrical energy production using reactor…just like Japan, Germany and many others.

  1. Iran has not attacked any country for the last 250 years… about the age of our country the good old USA. Is this true about Israel? Israel security is linked to stability in the region; Iran is part of this region.
  2. Why are we so concern about Iranian potential to develop nuclear bomb some 10 or 15 years from now? How about Israel and her nuclear bombs?

We spend our precious tax money to bribe the regional nations by giving them “foreign aids”, please spare me! We arm these nations, all of them. Some of the same arms have been used to kill our people. Except for Iran, not a single American has been killed by Iranian people.

Who attacked our on September 11, 2001? they were not Iranians!

Who attacked and killed our people on USS Liberty? They were not Iranian!

Should we spend our money and expertise in our hemisphere rather than 7500 miles from home? Our national interests must be our first imperative. If you would travel in out of places, for example, in Southern Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, etc. you see population in dire needs, poverty similar to poverty in third world nations. If you would travel to most regions in Mexico, our neighbor to the south, you see abject poverty.

Should we spend our national resources in these areas, rather than as bribe money to some ungrateful nations? Charity starts at home, our own USA, then to the nearest neighbor Mexico.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Arabs, Israel and Iran: Stop War

Iran is a natural non-Arab nation for Israel security in the Middle East region. Persians and Jews have common historical and cultural links. People of Israel know that below the surface of verbal bravado from the present President of Iran, Iran is not a foe of Israel. Iranian security may depend on presence of a viable Israel.

Picture: victim of US supplied bomb

Iraq invasion of Iran was a reality check for Israel. Israel recognized that the same Arabic nations who supported Iraq against Iran will attack again non-Arab Israel. These findings are not surprising considering the integrated financial, technical, and armaments that were provided by many Arab countries to support Arabic Iraq against non-Arab Iranians and Kurds.

The United States interests in the region do not support attacking Iran. We must stop arming Israel and Arab nations, providing massive military aids (Egypt and Israel) hoping that all will be fine. Israel budget for armaments is greater than those of Iran. These arms will eventually kill Americans (USS Liberty attack) and people of the region.

The interests of the United States in the world dictate that we must open a frank unconditional dialogue with Iran recognizing the constructive contribution of the country to Afghanistan against Taliban, conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and al Qaeda in Iraq. Iran is not foe of Israel or Arabs.

US government reported that Israel has about 200 nuclear bombs. Why Israel feels threaten by Iran? Iran does not have a single nuclear bomb! Israel security is linked to stability in the region. Iran and Israel have a lot of common security interests.

Should our money from the United States be spent on the America’s hemisphere rather than in a region 7500 miles from home? Are we a victim of regional politics between Israel, Arabs and Iran?