Did you read it too? French President Sarkozy in his private talk with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Wednesday, the official Israeli reporter said, Sarkozy delivered a message to Iran. The message said, France would start dismantling her nuclear bombs and remove them from their submarines if Iran would agree not making nuclear bombs in the future.
This is great news. France has stepped up to the plate, President Sarkozy said, and would set herself as an example for international nuclear disarmament. British government has also joined in the nuclear disarmament. Let us open a bottle of French wine, or better Persian Shiraz wine, and drink to a better future world, a world free of all nuclear bombs.

Garden of Paradise, Shiraz, Iran

The famous Loire Valley winemaking town of Sancerre, home of Coeur de France Ecole de Langues.
This may be a dream, but you never know.
Or a bottle of French Champagne...
Rocket French